A natural formula for skin healing

  • Reduce eczema and psoriasis symptoms in 3 months

  • Strengthen your nervous system against triggers

  • Dramatically improve general health

Alex’s Story

All his life Alex had mild eczema, but after catching COVID a few years ago, his entire body exploded with severe eczema. His skin was deep red, constantly weeping and painful. What followed were months of antibiotics and topical steroid creams, which provided much needed relief. Steroids can only be used in short stints, and the good times were quickly squashed by rebound flares.

Topical Steroid Withdrawal came next, affecting the hands, face and neck, resulting in seemingly endless cycles of redness and flaking. After a year of dealing with the flare ups, he decided to start a course of Immune suppressants (Methotrexate).

The meds were effective for a few months, but the flare ups returned with vigour, and Alex asked, why take them, after all, they’re not really working and adding additional toxicity to his body? He stopped the medication, determined to find a natural way out.

6 Months later, after radical experiments with diet, discipline and exploration of stress management and holistic practices, Alex’s skin is clear. As a result, he initiated a sharp change in career direction, to help people manage their symptoms, and live their best life while dealing with these debilitating skin conditions.

What is ARC?

After 2 years of endless research and experimentation, Alex noticed a few things; Most influencers are trying to sell you a one hit cure. Many think chronic skin disease is a result of just one thing (diet, stress, some quirky pathogen). Everyone is trying to flog topical products, even though we know these conditions are rooted within. You can detox, diet and lather yourself in herbal salves, but there’s a bigger picture that needs to be addressed.

ARC is a model based on Ancestral Health, drawing from the wisdom of the human body, using the tools provided by the Earth and finding peace within our condition, so that we may create a space to heal. No gimmicks, no magic cures, just learning to love and nourish our incredible bodies through complimentary therapies and practice.

The ARC model is based on these diagrams. The outer ‘Arcs’ are the 3 most basic principles, and the Arcs become more specific as we dive deeper into the system. The skin is healthy when all the Arcs are at their best.

Book a Discovery Call with Alex